Rehab Design Concepts, Inc.

Purchase Options

To place an order

To order by phone

Phone: 610-763-7265.

To order by mail

  1. 1. Print the appropriate form (Under "Payment Methods")
  2. 2. Fill out the form
  3. 3. Mail form to:
    • Rehab Design Concepts, Inc.
      14 Dogwood Road
      Mohrsville, PA 19541

You may also email with any questions or comments.

Payment Methods

Net 30 days. We will ship C.O.D. until credit has been established and account is current. Accounts over 30 days are subject to 1.5% charge per month.

Download Order Forms

Please print and complete the form you need. After completing the order form, please fax, mail or email your completed form to us.

Order forms are in pdf format and require the Adobe Reader. Don't have a reader?

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